Book Coach – Robin E. Devonish
Cover Design – bmbexpert
Editing and Interior Design – Pen Publish Profit, LLC.
Formatting – Sandee Solutions
ISBN: 978-1-7352406-2-6
Book Description
The creation of this self-guided journal comes from a place of deep hurt, personal trauma, blind hope, and the journey towards healing. I know how it feels to give your heart to someone, give more than you have yourself, and have it rippedapart by lies, deceit, and cheating. I have felt All the Emotions and have used these very same prompts and exercises to reflect, self-assess, and future plan.
If you are reading this, you have decided to take responsibility for your healing and transformation. You want change, you want a new beginning, you want a better life. Journaling can teach you about yourself and what you want from this life. These thought provoking questions and activities were created for self-reflection. To learn the unknown parts of yourself, you must engage in shadow work and bringing your hidden self to the light so it can no longer control you.
The process of journaling will not feel easy or fun in the beginning. However, writing about painful experiences and frustrating emotions can lead to healing and growth. You owe it to yourself to go on this healing journey.
Book Coach: Robin Devonish
Cover Design: Okomota
Editing: Deborah Perspectives, LLC
Formatting/Layout: Istvan Szabo, Ifj., Sapphire Guardian International
ISBN: 978-1-7352406-0-2
Book Description
Having struggled with obesity her entire life, Kori Robinson finally had enough and decided to take control by undergoing bariatric surgery in 2017. After hitting a stall and regaining significant weight, she became captivated with the keto lifestyle where she now personally thrives and continues to coach others. Now in her debut book, Ketoificiation: Navigating the Keto Lifestyle Like A Pro, she gives you her road map for keto success.
Kori now shares her experience within the keto lifestyle and uses it as a platform to help others. She currently offers one-on-one keto coaching and consultation sessions for those who are struggling with weight loss issues. She is a firm believer in consistency and dedication and coaches her clients based on those ideals.
© Copyright Kori Denise